At first you were excited about your job but the honeymoon period has well and truly ended and disillusionment and resentment has started to settle in. Before you know it, you’re starting to look at career websites and flirting with the idea of moving on and finding another job you think you can love more. Here are five ways to fall back in love with your job and bring back the passion and all those feelings of excitement back.
Give your job a makeover
You may have simply reached a point where your job no longer challenges you and you’re looking further afield for a job that can provide you with the mental stimulation that you need. Break the monotony and have ‘the talk’ with your boss and discuss taking on more responsibility, investing in further education or possible career paths available for your role and ask them to map out a career plan for you.
Change your mindset
It’s easy to take the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ road when it comes to breaking up but people rarely mean that. Sometimes you need to change your perspective when it comes to your work environment. If you walk in with a negative attitude, your day is likely to be just as you expected. Alternatively, if you walk in with a spring in your step, acknowledge your colleagues with a smile and start your day on a happy note, people will notice the change in attitude and respond similarly. It’s a cliché but it’s amazing what a simple smile can do.
Stop taking your job for granted
Think back to the first day you found out you got your job and how happy you were. Sometimes, we need to take stock and think about what the benefits of our job and show gratitude. Life is about a compromise and money is often not the biggest incentive when we accept a job. The problems you are facing at your workplace may come up in another office environment after the initial shine has worn off. Start appreciating the little things about your job such as the short commute, your colleagues or flexible work hours and you will become much happier.
Find the passion
If you loved your job once, you can love it again. All you need to do is reignite the passion and figure out why you fell for the job in the first place. Finding out what drives you to come to work will help you become enthusiastic and passionate about your role. Your passion for that job makes you want to get up in the morning and go to work and it motivates you to do your best and it motivates the others around you. When you rediscover what truly excites you in your career, you’ll find the passion you once had for your job.
Get yourself out of a rut
When you’re feeling unhappy about your job, it’s easy to let your appearance slip and get into a rut about your appearance. Often changing the way we look and present ourselves to others can make a huge psychological difference to the way that we feel. Update your work wardrobe with clothes that make you feel good about yourself and start making an effort with your appearance. The small things that you do will pay great dividends in the way you feel.
Before you take that big step, re-evaluate your grass is greener metality and step back and remember all the things that made you fall in love with your job. It might be a case of better the devil you know and you decide to stay with the one you’re with. Like any relationship, you can fall in and out of love with a job but make sure you don’t quit in haste and do anything you might regret in the cold heart of day.